Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. 

Scripture tells us that repentance is one of the most important aspects of the gospel because it reunites us with our Father. However, it seems that now a days people don’t want to repent. Repentance may hurt when we are convicted by our own sins but whichever way we see it, God calls us to it. Repentance is a glorious call, an essential facet of the Christian life and a wonderful opportunity to build our relationship with the Lord and His family. Acts 17:30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. God has commanded that we repent, and we must follow this commandment if we are to live right. Repentance is not an emotion. It is recognition of sin in our lives and doing what God requires us to do about it, that is, repent and turn.

Father God, I thank You for Your commandment to repent. Thank You for calling me from the hopelessness of sin to a full life of hope in Christ Jesus. Father, I am sorry for my sin and repent of those things which leave me falling short of Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I ask Your forgiveness for neglecting to do all that You ask of me. I pray that You would reveal my shortcomings to me and grant me grace as I repent and turn. In Jesus’ name. Amen.