My Beloved Brethren, may God, I pray in His infinite wisdom, have mercy on us all in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Envy is a sin, it can grow into hatred, and hatred can grow into murder. Be not deceived. Sin is deceptive and destructive. It grows. It is progressive. Sin starts in the heart, therefore we must guard our hearts against sin. We might ask, how did sin get there? Well, the same way the worm got into the centre of the apple. The grub laid it eggs in the blossom and the blossom grew into an apple, the eggs grew into a worm and it ate its way out. Satan puts sin in the heart and we regard it and it becomes progressive, grows into envy, into hatred and hatred into murder. Therefore, resist every temptation, choosing the way of escape always provided (1Cor 10:13). Give none occasion to sin. Abstain from every appearance of evil (1 Thes 5:22). Missing the mid-week service can lead to missing the Sunday night service, then Sunday morning Bible school, then the Sunday morning worship service, and yes, on to complete apostasy. Sin is against God (Psalm 51:4). Nip sin in the bud, otherwise, it will grow. “Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not of Me; and that cover with a covering, but not of My Spirit that they may add sin to sin” (Isa 30:1).

Father, in Jesus’ name, cause us to come to the knowledge that Eze 18:20 KJV says, “the soul that sinneth it shall die. Father, keep us from sinning, Hallelujah! for only You Jehovah God, can prevent us from sinning against you. Amen.