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Do Good

The words of Micah the Prophet are relevant to us today. Peoples lands and possessions were taken away. Today it’s repossessions, pensions,

Blessed Be God

Blessed be the God of my salvation who has power to save by His name alone.Blessed be my God who daily loads

Lord, Your name is great

Loving and compassionate Father, great is Your name and Your hand to save, defend and uphold. Great is Your grace. Your name

Praise The Lord

Father in heaven, all glory and honour to Your matchless name, You are worthy to be lifted up, worthy to be praised.

God’s promise

Genesis 15:7-8Father in heaven, glory and honour, praise and power be unto Your great name, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord, for the

Righteousness Exalts A Nation

Greetings brethren. God set His righteousness over the nation to do righteousness, because righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a reproach,
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