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Draw Near

Guided by Deuteronomy 5, Hebrews 4, Jude. Father God, we draw near to hear a word of guidance and instruction from you. Father,

Pray Everywhere

In John  chapter 4, Peter and John tell their brethren what had happened, how a crippled man was healed in Jesus’ name.

Don’t Give Up

My encouragement for you today is drawn from Psalm 143 where David was faced with a difficult situation in his life. Saul

Lord, Help Us

Then Asa called to the Lord his God, and said, “Lord, there is no one besides Thee to help in the battle

Thank You Father God

Father God, I thank You for Your abundant mercies which surround me day and night. I thank You for the absolute privilege

For The Church

Father, God of all, I come humbly to Your throne, in Jesus’ name, for all Christian church leaders, pastors, preachers, teachers, worship
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