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Father Forgive Us

Father in heaven, forgive us our trespasses. For all have sinned and fallen short of your glory. If we say that we

Seek The Lord Continually

Greetings Brethren in the name of the Lord Are you unwell? then I send a word to heal and deliver you from

Pray this Prayer For Yourself

Pray this prayer for yourself being confident of the love and Word of God, in Jesus’ name.Father in heaven, hallowed be thy

Good Plans

Lord God and Father, I pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ this morning, that we would all come to know

I Pray

I pray the life-cleansing blood of Jesus covers you, and like a rushing mighty wind Holy Ghost power will fill your heart.

Lord Cover Us

Lord God of heaven and earth, all power belongs to You. Lord, I pray in Jesus’ name, lift up a standard for
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