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Happy Life Giving Day

Blessed is the Lord God Almighty who daily loads us up with benefits. The breath of life. A new day, one we

Worship The Lord

Hallelujah to the name of the Lord, Everlasting, the one who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and End, the

Love And Prayer

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer

Seek The Lord

Greetings brethren in the name of the Lord Are you unwell, then I send a word to heal and deliver you from

Draw Near

Guided by Deuteronomy 5, Hebrews 4, Jude. Father God, we draw near to hear a word of guidance and instruction from you. Father,

Pray Everywhere

In John  chapter 4, Peter and John tell their brethren what had happened, how a crippled man was healed in Jesus’ name.
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