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Anointed Men Of God

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for another day to praise and glorify Your name, Hallelujah. Amen.Today I pray

For Global Healing

Greetings Brethren in Christ, through God’s good grace we are here together another day. Glory Hallelujah! to our Lord God. Please let

God With Us

1Timothy 2:8 Psalm 134:2 Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, King, redeemer, conquer, giver of life, joy and peace,

Father, Keep Us From Sin

And God said unto him in a dream, Yea, I know that thou did’st this in the integrity of thy heart; for

Lord, For Your People

May the Lord God of heaven, through Jesus’ name, prepare in you an offering of faith, a sacrifice of trust and belief
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