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Speak Well Of Each Other

Father, glory to Your divine creative, redemptive and awesome life-giving name.I pray this day in Jesus’ name that we Your people will

God’s Promises To You

The promises of God are for you,  just because He loves you. My Brethren, just think, every promise God has made has

Praise And Thanksgiving

Glorious God, creator of heaven, director of the universe, the oceans, winds and rains, by Your Holy Spirit give us direction concerning

O Maginify The Lord

Glory, Glory Hallelujah to the King of Kings, Hosana, Hosana! Lord of Lords, our redeemer we praise You with the highest praise,

The Word Of God

To every ministering servant of the Lord, Psalm 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a
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