A ministry began with Barry sending out emails to encourage Christian brethren in 2010/11. Then later in 2011, Barry was not able to attend Sunday Morning Worship as he had a back problem. So, as he lay on his back in bed he talked to the Lord. This was when the Lord spoke to him about his ministry being on his phone. At this point, the ministry did not have a name so we just sent out prayers and encouragements via mobile phones and called the ministry the ‘Mobile Phone Prayer Ministry’. A few years later, we knelt down and asked the Lord what we should call the ministry, and we got the name ‘PrayItNow Ministries’. This was such a huge breakthrough for us. We were so excited that we just prayed and praised God and blessed God. One thing that we are fully assured of through the Word of God, our own experience, and have no doubts about, is that prayer works.

You can experience the power of prayer in our book entitled PrayItNow – Prayers for Everyone which you can buy.

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This breakthrough spurred us on to identify and set out key areas of ministry that we might deliver through the ministry of prayer. These broad areas help to structure how we fulfill Biblical commands and principles:

Share the ‘Urgency of Prayer’ through Biblical prayers and encouragement.

Tell the world about Jesus Christ.

Mobilise millions of people to pray for millions of people all over the world.

Lead individuals and families to receive salvation through Jesus Christ.

Encourage the church to be the church – Powerful in the world.

Encourage congregations to pray for Holy Spirit-filled leaders and ministers….

Witness Holy Spirit’s powerful presence in everyday life.

Be witnesses to people who serve God living prosperous lives through Christ Jesus.

Pray and encourage us all to keep going in the toughest of times.