Father, thank You for the power of repentance which comes to us by the work of the Holy Spirit, and brings life. Thank You that sinners are called to repentance by Jesus Christ, and that He commands it, (Rev 2:5). Father, You have commanded all to repent, (Eze 18:30-32, Act 17:30). Father, Your Word tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. Help us to recognise the dangers of neglecting the need to repent (Mat 11:20-24) and that without it there is no pardon for sin.

Father, thank You that repentance was preached by the Apostles: Mar 6:12, by Jesus Christ, by Mat 4:17, by John the Baptist, Mat 3:2, in the name of Jesus Christ. Luk 24:47, thereby emphasizing its importance in terms of reconciliation, salvation and forgiveness of sins. And, so my Christian family, I have to remind all of us to repent, just in case. Father, thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen.