Good Morning and Greetings to every Bible believing Saint of God, in Jesus’ name.

The Word of our Father in heaven encourages us to pray and tells us who to pray for: all men (people), for Kings, for all in authority, and as a result a quiet and peaceable life would be attained. The bottom line is that, in obedience to these instructions, it would be good and acceptable to God who would have all men (people) to be saved.

We should pray without wrath and doubting with holy hands lifted up. Pray all kinds of prayer, Pray with thanksgiving and supplication. So, Father in heaven, in obedience to Your command to pray, I pray in Jesus’ name for my brethren the church family, for children, wives, husbands, ministers in the body, for families and unbelievers in the world, in Jesus’ name because it is good and acceptable to You, and that we all may live quiet and peaceful lives in Christ Jesus. Amen.