For Families
Father in heaven, You are Lord of all creation, glory to Your great creative name.
Lord, it is Your plan that all the families of the earth should be blessed, and this morning I ask that as You and the Son are one, You would make us one also with each other.
Father, so many good family principles and values designed to hold families together are broken, the principles spoken of in Proverbs have been discarded. Your commandments are thrown out in favour of worldly ideals of individualism and self promotion. But Father, we thank You that You are a keeper of Your promises, and Your Word which never changes is settled with You.
Father, keep the household of faith as a family in Jesus’ name. Unite us, cause us to know that being children in Your family means having an eternal, unbreakable, inheritance. Unlike the inheritance received from earthly parents which is temporal, we have an imperishable, unfading, eternal inheritance, Ephesians (1:11, Romans 8:17).
Father, I pray for all the families of the earth, in Jesus’ name, for: supernatural Spirtual covering, for morning by morning mercies, for daily loading up of Salvation’s benefits, for those families who will love You and serve You with all of their hearts.
Father, bless all, for out of Your mouth have you spoken it: that in Abraham should all the families of the earth be blessed, Hallelujah! Bless, O God, with healing, bless with correction, bless with strength and endurance, bless with encouragement out of every discouragement. Bless the family with the abundance of Your grace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we ask and give You thanks. Amen.