For Complete Healing
A prayer for complete healing for all the saints of God and their families in Christ Jesus name.
Pray this prayer out loud with authority in the name of Jesus Christ.
Eternal God, Father of heaven, giver of life, I bless Your holy name, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the same. I praise You, I bend my heart and my knees to thou most Holy one, You are God and I exalt Your name, not for what You do Lord but for who You are; You are Almighty God, the Great I Am, the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.
Today, in Jesus’ name, I stand against every curse, every sickness: asthma, stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, every cancer, arthritis, sickness of the eyes, mental ill health, stress, confusion, alziemers, dementia, depression, gender confusion, every label given like autism, ADHD, and every sickness not listed here which affects Your people, and I declare Lord Jesus, that by Your stripes we are healed, keep us Lord our keeper as we come to you by faith, completely restored and reconciled to yourself Father, in Jesus name.
Today I speak life; I push against every resistance and touch the hem of Your garment on behalf of Your people by faith. By Your divine power, divine authority, and blood, I send Your Word to heal, restore every soul and deliver out of every destructive situation this morning, in Jesus’ name. You are the God that heals. Make haste O God to deliver. Arise O Lord God, scatter our enemies and heal and deliver your people. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ we say thank You Lord. Amen.
May God bless you in this new day. Amen.