Wait On The Lord
Dearest Brethren, Greetings in Christ Jesus,
Remember God answers prayer, not too soon, or too late: his timing is perfect. When He sees in us what He wants to see, the answer will come. God’s delays are not his denials. Another area in which delayed answers to prayer can cause us to grow spiritually, is that of patience. The Bible says that God is patient (1Pet 3:20; 2Pet 3:9) so it’s not surprising that patience is a fruit of His Spirit (Gal 5:22) that He wants us to grow in. If we desire to be godly people we must be patient people, and sometimes the only way to learn patience is by having to wait.
Patience is linked to perseverance, (Jas 5:7-11). Patient people are more likely to persevere in prayer until they receive an answer, whereas impatient people tend to give up if their prayers aren’t answered quickly. If God Has promised you something and it has not yet come to pass, Your time will come in Jesus’ name. Persevere in prayer, have faith and wait for it patiently (Heb 6:12).
God promised Abraham a son, but it was many years before Isaac was born (Heb 6:15). He was born, but in God’s time. Providing we live in obedience to God, He will keep all of his promises to us (Zec 6:15; Num 23:19). If you are praying then listen for answers, don’t think your prayers are not being answered. They are being answered, but sometimes not how you would like them to be. Keep praying (Luk 18:1-8) in Jesus’ name, Hallelujah! I pray for patience, faith and perseverance for all God’s people in Christ Jesus. Amen.