So, we’re celebrating Christmas! What does this mean to us who are the church?

Whether we believe that Jesus was born on 25th December or not, celebrating His birth during this season means more than food and drink. If Jesus Christ our Saviour, we’re to come into this world today 25th December, would He find the church filled with His righteous governance, attributes, characteristics, and love?

Wonderful, Counsellor, Jesus, who is “God with us” (Mat 1:23) came as a baby filled with the “fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Col 2:9) to bring us back to God (1Pet 3:18). Isaiah 9:6 tells us that governance has been placed in His hands and He will always have authority to rule. As GOD’S church we also have God given attributes and authority to lead, teach and preach with wisdom and righteousness both in the church and wider world. Whilst the world’s Christmas festivities take place, the church must be careful to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bring God’s plan of salvation to the world. This so that the church and the world can be governed by Christ’s rigteousness in preparation for His return.

Father, God of the whole earth, by whom shepherds were informed of our Saviour’s birth, we give you thanks for the breath of life today, another day. Father, we know that the celebration of Christ’s birth is not about food and drink even though food and drink have their place in the Gospel. Lord, we have witnessed the erosion of the Christian celebration of Christ’s birth over many decades. And organisations that used promote Christian values have now abandoned their efforts under a banner of inclusiveness and diversity, in opposition to the Church’s stance For Christ Jesus. Father God, let us not be weakened by abandonment but build us up, strengthen us, cause us to be bold and undeterred, unwavering, steadfast in our preaching, teaching and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the name that is above every name, JESUS. Amen.