God’s Redemptive Care
Father God in heaven, righteous is Your name to save, a Saviour redeemer is who You are. My desire to serve you Lord is not for my own agenda but that Your will be accomplished in my life and that Your great name be magnified.
I hasten to do thy will so that by those things I will be healed, upheld, defended, delivered, and satisfied, Hallelujah! Father, in Jesus’ name I pray according to Your Word and lift up holy hands to stem the tide of wicked works. I pray for my brethren to be healed and delivered from every form of evil and that, You God, would establish Your church in us according to Your will and Your Word.
Father, lead us in a plain path, teach us thy way, counsel us, walk with us and instruct us so that everything we do will please you. Father, I pray for a world at war that even in war time an enduring unbreakable peace will be found that will never be disturbed. Father, of mercy and grace, satisfy the needy, feed the hungry, correct error, send wisdom for the unwise, strength for the weak and the spirit filled preaching of Your Word for the world.
Father, pour out Salvation for those who do not know you, cause them to come because of Your Word that we speak. Father, with grateful thanks I pray, gather up your people from the four winds and cause us to repent; wash and cleanse us! Make us ready to stand before You, in the delivering, emancipating name of Jesus Christ. Glory Hallelujah! Amen.