God Is Good
God and Father, provider, creator of heaven, our guide, strength and shield, our shelter and hiding place, You deserve all our praise, glory and honour, from the rising of the sun until the setting of the same, Hallelujah! You alone are our God and we lift our hands and our voices to You, we make a joyful noise to sing Your praises, in Jesus’ name.
Father, put Your words and Your name in our mouths, so that we may come to the knowledge of You, and of Your name, and know that, Your name is great – that there is none greater. Father, You are God alone, the maker and creator of heaven and earth. You are the lover of my soul, all glory to Your name. Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray, draw us close to You, in every circumstance, O God, keep us safe from dangers seen and unseen, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Hallelujah! Amen.