The Apostle Paul was hated for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and suffered for the name of the Lord. A few of the Apostle’s experiences are listed below, for your encouragement. Consider how we might cope in these adversarial times.

Rescued from the Sanhedrin mob, (Acts 23:1-11). Assassination plot against him. (Acts 23:12–22). Two-year imprisonment in Caesarea. (Acts 23:33). Shipwrecked on the island of Melita (Malta) (Acts 27:41-44). Suffered a snakebite (Acts 28:3-5). First Roman imprisonment (Acts 28:13-16). Paul said “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom 8:18). It is a supernatural miracle that the apostle was able to suffer so much and yet declare such encouraging words. The grace and strength of God was multiplied to him enabling him to stand firm in difficulty. 

May you, I pray, be strengthened in this time to face and overcome every adversity in this world through Christ. And may we be as encouraging to each other as the Apostle Paul was in his times of persecution. In Jesus’ mighty  name. Amen.