Father God, I pray that Your church will not be as forgetful hearers but people who study their own image. Make us people who pay attention to detail, dotting every ‘i’ and crossing every ‘t’, in the name of Jesus. Father, help us to remember the zeal and the passion that we had when we first met You, when You forgave all of our sins and we were so grateful. Remind us of how we spoke to just about anyone we could about Jesus. And as opportunties arose we made ourselves available to go, to say and do.

Father, take our hearts back in time, Lord, to the cross where we were filled with humility, where we prayed good prayers for one another and lifted up Your name. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus for a refreshing of our individual and collective memories, a reactivation of zeal for good works, for love that will be extended to the world through our passion for Christ Jesus. Revive us again, O Lord. Revive us again. Amen.