Father, for what You are about to do for Your people we give you thanks. Thank You for your plans, O Lord, that are seamlessly in operation working on our behalf. Thank You for the trials which You allow us to go through to keep us mindful, resolute, and strengthening our resolve. Thank You for spoiling and causing the works of our enemies to cease and desist, along with the traps. In Jesus’ name. Thank you, for the abundance of grace and mercy that floods us following and pursuing us day after day. O Lord God of heaven, thank You, for waking us up altogether blessed, everything working nothing missing. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for who You are and all You have done, we give thanks with a grateful heart and humbleness, for the blood- works at calvary, and the blood that still has power to cover us. Thank You in advance for Your strategies and plans and Your thoughts towards Your people who love You and hear You and work for You. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for sitting on right hand of the Father and interceding for our families. O my God our children, our young people, husbands, and wives, by Your Holy Spirit give us direction concerning them. Help us to pull down every spiritual wickedness and every evil plan of the enemy to kill steal and destroy. You alone deserve the glory for the victory. Thank You Father (my God) for spoiling the traps the enemy has set to prevent Your children from coming to You. You alone are worthy, worthy of honour, glory, and praise, we praise You in the valley, we praise on the mountain top for every healing, every smile, for every break through, for every yes and every no, for the pain and hardship that brings us breakthroughs and deliverance drawing us closer to you, and for the times we have fallen and got back up again, thank You. Thank You for Jesus Christ. Thank You for salvation and forgiveness, removing our trespasses as far as the east is from the west, thank You, Lord. 

Great and mighty God of heaven and earth, thank You for every provision for strength in times of weakness, for joy unspeakable in Your presence in the name of Jesus, we thank You for empowering our ministers, continue to lead and direct and refresh and overshadow us, open doors of utterance, doors of opportunities, give peace, give wisdom, give understanding hearts to lead the multitude of Your people, give long life love, and peace. Father in heaven, send Your Holy Ghost power to help us in Jesus’ name. Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, For all of us, keep us safe in Jesus’ name. Amen.