Father in heaven, glory Hallelujah to the awesome power of Your name. We acknowledge You as the only wise God and there is none like You worthy of praise  and we praise Your Holy name. Amen.

By Your Spirit, push back the darkness; by Your Spirit, break chains, principalities, powers, every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of You. Break the spirit of self, we pray; bring forth healing, wisdom from heaven; pour out salvation by the power of Your name; knowledge and understanding by Your Spirit, open blinded eyes, soften hardened hearts and make them receptive to Your Word. Lord God, deliver Your people from bondage, lies, division, traps and tricks; spoil the works of the wicked one and deliver out of darkness into the Light and Kingdom of Your dear Son. Lead us into all truth by the power of Your Holy Spirit – hover over us like Your Spirit over the deep, and create in us complete works for Your glory, for Your Kingdom, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah! Amen.