“And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom” (Luk 23:42 KJVLite). These are the words uttered by a thief being crucified with Christ. What led him to make such a request? In his past life he was a thief that is what he knew. Was there a sudden change in this man’s life? It is true that anyone who has an encounter with our Lord will experience a life change. Jesus had prayed “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luk 23:34 KJVLite).

At that point this thief received revelation through the prayer. He now possessed knowledge of Christ, and though Christ was dying on the cross next to him, he knew that is was not the end. Prayer transformed him and he then made his faith-filled request, “remember me.” It was as though he knew Jesus was coming back again, for he goes on to say “when thou comest into thy Kingdom.” This thief had a spiritual revelation from heaven that transformed his life and thinking. So he is no longer a thief, his sins are forgiven, he is a child of God, and he now defends his Lord against the other thief. Jesus answered his request thus, “today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”

Father in heaven, in humility of heart, I pray, direct Your church to seek forgiveness. The thief made his request, and was adopted into the family of heaven. Today, we make a similar request, Remember us. Write our names in Your Book of life. Pour out the spirit of prayer and fill us so that we constantly make our requests in Your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.