What makes up the content of your heart right now, this minute, right now before you even take a moment to consider its condition? Well, it might surprise you to know that Jesus sees the condition of every single heart, every moment of every day. Yes! He does! Matthew 12:14-15 is an example of Jesus discerning the thoughts of the Pharisees as they plotted how they might destroy Him. And, in that same way, Jesus sees our thoughts. Not only does He know our thoughts, He looks deep into our hearts and speaks to us. Do you hear Him speaking to your heart? Are you familiar with His voice?

The contents of our hearts betray us when there is a mismatch between who we say we are and our behaviour. In other words, who we say we are is incongruent with our actions. So, it is essential that you and I keep a close check on our heart’s spiritual condition. If we are to truly follow Jesus, the contents of our hearts must be pure, as stated in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (KJV). 

Father God, of all humanity, I pray in the name of Jesus, that we each take seriously the nature and condition of our own heart. Try our hearts, O God,  show us our condition. If there are contrary thoughts and ways in us, Father, we ask for Your mercy and forgiveness that we might have a future with You. We pray, keep our hearts from wickedness and our lips from speaking evil. We give You thanks, O God, and praise Your holy name. Amen.