We are reminded and encouraged by many scriptures of the healing power of a touch from Jesus. He touches the leper, Matthew 8:2-3 and he was healed. He touched Peter’s mother in-law and the fever left her, Matthew 8:14-15. Jesus touched a young girl and she arose Matthew 9:25. When Jesus was in Capernaum He touched the eyes of two blind men and restored their sight, Matthew 9:29-30. I must also encourage you by telling you that as our high priest Jesus can be touched by the feelings of our infirmities (Hebrews 4:15).

I could go on but l will just say a touch from our Lord is a supernatural restorative life giving touch, and so, in the name of Jesus Christ by faith I declare the healing powerful touch of Jesus Christ over every sickness, whether it be hereditary, spiritual, physical or emotional.

I pray that Jesus would touch You at the point most needed: heart break, deep despair, anxiety, brokenness, depression and mental ill health, alzheimers and dementia. I pray in the compassionate name of our Lord for healing from high blood pressure and diabetes, from liver, kidney and heart disease; from heart failure, from cancers, from upset, and dysfunctional problems in our families – heal my, Lord, by the power of Your touch. Touch every situation Lord Jesus, bring order to chaos, touch, enliven and quicken Lord. I pray for healing from every disorder by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, touch our infirmity Lord Jesus and cleanse us from all ill. Father, we give You grateful thanks in anticipation of Your mercies, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.