Greetings beloved of God, all glory and praises to the name of our Father in heaven. Amen.
Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name to say thank You for all You do and to ask You to heal our many situations in the world today. Heal us from the effects of sin, heal mind, body and soul, heal every conflict and division in Your people, heal our conversations season them with salt, heal our brokenness, relationships and attitudes in Jesus’ name. Father, we need Your healing touch in every circumstance, for our children, husbands, wives, sons and daughters, healing in our workplaces, in hospitals and schools. Father, we invite You back into schools, Your Word and Your will, be done in Jesus’ name. Father, heal our deficits: our lack and our needs physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

Father, renew us in You, heal the church, the church that You said You would build, a people who would call on Your Holy name, a people You said You would answer if they called. Father, heal our diseases. Your Word tells us that You are the God that heals, heal our lands from war, sin, and poor leadership. Pour out the spirit of integrity, sound teaching, preaching, prophecy, and peace. Father, put Your Word deep inside our hearts and in our mouths so that we may come to the knowledge that You are near and can be touched by the feelings of our infirmity. Father, You heal the broken in heart and bind up their wounds (Ps 147:3). Father, help us to keep Your Commandments so that we don’t suffer from the diseases You brought upon the Egyptians. You are the Lord Who heals. Heal us, Lord, we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.