Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, the lamb who takes away the sins of the world, the one who restores fallen mankind, speaks to all our situations, defeats all our enemies, and delivers us from every destruction, the one who paid deaths ransom for us, our king, our High Priest, the Godhead, God with us, the one who can be touched by our infirmity, the one who’s name causes demons to flee and tremble, His name is higher than any other name. Every tongue shall confess and every knee bows to the name of JESUS. In His name I speak peace over all God’s people, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Peace be still over those in this time who are wondering how they will ever make it but I am here to tell you with Jesus you can make it. May you have peace in sickness and in every attack, in Jesus’ name. 

Peace be still to all the winds and the storms of life, peace be still over the church, over ministers, leaders, over every office in the body, peace be still over integrity, peace be still in the name of JESUS Christ through whom Paul says, I can do all things. Peace be still in our worship and in our praise. Peace be still over all our families. Over our communities I plead the blood of Jesus and speak His words to give life to every dead situation for you. 

In whatever situation you find yourself today, peace be still. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.