“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering” (Hebrews 10:23). An encouraging word given to secure our faith. Those to whom this word was written were suffering persecution. Because of this they were in danger of apostasy. “For he is faithful that promised.” To further encourage them to hold fast their profession, the apostle adds this additional consideration. God, who had promised eternal life to them, was faithful to all that He had said. Since God is so faithful to us, we ought to be faithful to him. 

The fact that God is faithful is an encouragement to us to continue even in the face of opposition and persecution. We are dependent on God for His grace to hold fast our profession. If God were to be proven unfaithful, we would have no strength to hold fast. But God is never unfaithful it is His faithfulness that we hold on to, and we may be assured He will perform all that He has promised. To the service of such a faithful God, we should adhere without wavering. To this end I pray in the name of Jesus Christ for every person facing any kind of persecution or trial that we will all hold on to the unchanging hand of God, in Jesus’ name. Amen.