Father, most holy God of heaven and earth, I pray for families, husbands and wives, for life long life and unity. I pray for ministers, in Jesus’ name, for strength, a Word and fresh anointing, for teachers that they may receive Your pure wisdom, for intercessors that the spirit of prayer would be poured out on them and that the nations receive ceaseless prayer. I pray for an abundance of grace and mercy for the sick, depressed, and lonely. I pray in Jesus’ name, for salvation and the spirit of repentance to visit us all in every situation, that we would come to Christ, be forgiven and saved through Jesus Christ. 

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that Your Word would pierce and turn the hearts of Your people to You. Father, cause us by Your Holy Spirit to hunger and thirst for You; put Your name on the lips of those who never knew You; make us fit for Your presence and help us all to prepare for Your return. Keep us from falling and present us faultless in Your presence with exceeding joy. In the name of Jesus Christ, I give You thanks. Amen.