My prayer for you today, is that it is well with you and your children, wives and husbands, all your relatives and all your relationships. I plea the blood of Jesus Christ over your relationship with Him, over your walk with Him, your listening and your talking, may it never cease. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, that the work of your hands, paid, voluntary, and ministerial, will glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, that every trial you face will make you strong, every sickness will only bring the healing hands of our Lord Jesus Christ and his ever cleansing blood to your bed; for every need our God will be your supply. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, that you are a light in this dark, decaying and fractured world, and that you mean everything to the Lord who watches over and protects you. I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, that God is with you, and you can confidently say, and we know all things work together for Good to them that love the Lord.

Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, in Jesus’ name. Amen.