Though your sins are like scarlet, they can be as white as snow. Though your sins are deep red, they can be white like wool (Isa 1:18). When Jesus told us to pray for forgiveness of our debts as we forgive our own debtors, (Matt 5) He knew who would be the one to pay the debt. He would hang on the cross, and He would say, “It is finished”… the debt is paid! 

There are particular facts that will never change. One of these facts is that when you accept Jesus as Lord, your sins are forgiven. If you are in Christ, when he sees you, your sins are covered – He doesn’t see them. He sees you better than you see yourself. And that is a glorious fact of your life in the world of the children of God. You are forgiven because Christ died. Forgiven so that you can have peace and be reconciled with God. Forgiven so that you will have access to the throne room of God, through Jesus Christ. 

I pray in the name of Jesus, for everyone to seek forgiveness for our debts, and at the same time forgive our debtors. May the Holy Spirit cause us to forgive with great zeal. Let reconciliation flow in families, and the church. And may and our lives be filled with peace. In Jesus’ name Amen.