Father, the only wise God in heaven, glory to Your name. Lord, I come to You in Jesus’ name, with no one else to turn to about these things, as no one else can help.

Father, some of Your people are working in Your Kingdom without Your Spirit to guide us, leaning on our own understanding, working through self, in the flesh, heady, high-minded, no remorse, no guilt, all these sins. Modernist thinking has some of Your people believing that there is no need to repent, calling sin diversity, freedom of choice and self-expression. Father, those things which are an abomination in Your sight are now acceptable and celebrated in law across Your earth. Father, pull them down, and open the eyes of Your people, in Jesus’ name.

Father, Your people are on a course of error thinking that they are presentable to You without the redeeming, cleansing power of Jesus Christ. It is only by Your grace and mercies that we can be made presentable unto God. Lord, remove self and save us, fill us with Your Holy Spirit and all that You are, in the name of Jesus. Your Word tells us that those who do not recieve the Son reject the Father. Lord, I pray that You would help every one of Your children to recieve Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, in Jesus’ name. I give You thanks. Amen.