The fundamental principle of thanksgiving to God is defined in recognition of what, God, the architect and overall creator has accomplished in the lives of each one of His children. It is the responsibility of every individual to offer up sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise to God, from our hearts. If there is any recognition of God’s work in us, our gratefulness will be manifested and demonstrated from our hearts. 

We give thanks in acknowledgement that God has completed a necessary work in us. David declares in much of his writing, that, with his whole heart he gave God thanks, as in Psalm 18, “Therefore will I give thanks unto thee O Lord among the heathen and sing praise unto thy name” (Psa 18:49 KJVLite). Even when we are among the heathen raging and imagining vain things, we thank God for His kindness. We thank God for His mercy, for His goodness, for His provision, for putting His Spirit in us, for helping us, comforting us, fighting for us, for being our King and for always being with us. Hence we can confidently say “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” Thank You, Lord. Amen.