We seem to be constantly at war one with another, biting, tearing down then wondering why we are divided. Jesus said, “a house divided against itself shall not stand” (Mat 12:25). Divisive statements made in church, such as, it’s because they sinned why it happened, they must have sinned or that wouldn’t have happened, cause sadness and division. Scripture says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;” (Rom 3:23 KJV). This includes every one of us.

When we accuse one another of not having enough faith, let’s change that. Consider these words and not have an over high opinion of ourselves. “…but to have wise thoughts” “as God has given to every one a measure of faith” (Rom 12:3 BBE). We sit in our private space and talk about God’s children not thinking that we are made in God’s own image (Gen 1:27). So when we gnash and tear up each other, we attack God, and God does not stand idly by. Let us be careful about how we think of, and speak about one another. Obey God’s Commandments to “love one another as I have loved you” (Joh 15:12). which includes demonstrations of this love. 

Father, in Heaven, I pray, remove hypocrisy, divisions, isms and scisms from the body of Your people. Cause us to first examine ourselves and see whether we are in the faith (2Cor 13:5; Phi 1:27) instead of pointing the finger accusingly. Remind us to take our brother or sister aside and communicate in love instead of speaking about each other in secret. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus, for each and every one of us to open our eyes and see, and do, according to Your Word. Amen.