“I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:8 KJVLite) Hallelujah! Glory to God.

Eternal God of Heaven, we give You thanks for Your Word which brings comfort to our souls. Amen.

I pray, in the name of Jesus, for the light of Your Word to shine into my heart, to dispel any semblance of darkness, to break any threads of doubt, and cause the blood of Jesus to be exerted over me strengthening my inner being. Brighten my countenance, O God, put a sparkle and warmth in my eyes and let my mouth declare Your Word, in the name of Jesus Christ. Cause me to to seek after You and find You each day, to hunger and thirst after righteousness and be filled. Father, because of Your Word, I shall stand, I shall not be moved. Amen.