Father, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, fill our hearts with the love that endures, is not puffed up or envious, not jealous or boastful; a love that is not conceited or arrogant, a love that stretches out the hand to help to guide and nourish, in such a time as this. Father, more of Your love would feed the hungry, heal the sick and comfort the lonely and brokenhearted. Father, in Jesus’ name, work in us the love that bears all and does not fail, the love that is ready to see the best in every person, the love that never fades. Father, we acknowledge that there is no greater love than the love that is found in You. You are the God of love and it was love that sent Your only Son Jesus to the cross. Fill our hearts with love for one another and cause us to be reminded of Your commandment to love each one another as You have loved us. Father, we thank You in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.