Psalm 107: 20 KJV says, “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions”

Today I send a word of healing, a word of peace to protect your heart and emotions from the enemy’s daily onslaught. When you experience trials, difficult trying times, God will not allow you to carry more than you can bear. When you face tribulation Jesus encourages you to be of good cheer for He has overcome the world. In times of trouble, God will not leave you comfortless. 

Father God, I pray for your help, in Jesus’ name. Lord increase our faith, restore our joy, our zeal and vibrancy; our willingness to fight on together in prayer even if we feel weak or tired; make us fit to war in the Spirit day and night, for it is when we are weak that you are our strength – greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Father God, of mercy and grace, hear us, fortify us as we stand for the Word of God: making intercessions for the sick, the homeless, the abused, helpless children, the bullied and harassed, and the unsaved. In the ‘mighty’ name of Jesus Christ who saves, Lord save Your people.

Father God of faithfulness, I pray Your Holy Spirit blessing of multiplication upon the prayers of Your people for a harvest of souls, in Jesus’ mighty name, for ‘Mighty’ is His name. When God is for us who can be against us.

You are Jehovah Tsidkenu – we worship and honour Your glorious name. Amen.