There are times in our lives when we look back and realise that without help we could not have made it through. But where did the help come from? Many situations were resolved with very little effort on our part. And on reflection we see that without God, life would be much more difficult than it is. David says in the Psalms, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth” (Psa 121:1-2). Who better to turn to than Almighty God creator of heaven and earth, who never fails, who works on our behalf even while we’re asleep. God cares for the tiny sparrow and He cares so much more for us His children. 

I pray in the name of Jesus, Father God, we give You thanks with grateful hearts for all Your goodness towards us. We call upon Your holy name, for Your mercies towards us are everlasting. Glory to Your exhalted name, Father God. Amen.