Pray over your family

Father God, of heaven and earth, creator and sustainer of all things, the God that heals; highest praises to your matchless name, Hallelujah! Father, God of my Salvation, I bring my family, my loved ones before you this new day, their needs, their struggles, their goals, their concerns, their present, their future, their safety, their pain and their healing. Father, I place all my loved ones under the blood of Jesus in your capable hands and ask you to supply all that is good for them, cover them, and lift them up, shield them my God from the plans of the enemy. These family members, loved ones of mine are yours, you created them and shared them with me, help me to be thankful for them and remember to approach your throne of grace and seek your help for them that your will may be their desire. Father, in Jesus’ name, Hallelujah, by the power of the Holy Spirit, give me a discerning character to be aware of their physical and spiritual needs in this time, and help me to faithfully lift them up to you by faith, in love and in the power of the Holy Spirit. I pray in Jesus’ name not Just for this generation Lord but for those to come and give you thanks Father God. Amen.