Mat 28:19Act 2:382Cor 10:4

When Jesus came into this world He came for one reason, one reason only. Many people might have thought He came to overthrow Kings or to fight wars but they would all be wrong.

God sent Jesus His only Son into the world that He loved, and wanted to save. So Jesus stepped down from His throne, He took of His royal crown and robe, stepped out of eternity and into time for one divine purpose. And in my opinion Luke puts it best, “Jesus said, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32). Preaching in Acts 3:19,  Peter said, “repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” In Luke 18:9-14 the publican described himself as a sinner and asked God for mercy. He went away justified, showed to be a just person.

Jesus tells His hearers in Luke 13:3-5 to repent or perish. All who read His Word must repent to live. And all who hear the preacher who preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ must repent to live. Jesus tells everyone He is here to call sinners to repentance. All who minister have a duty to tell people what Jesus came to do, and must also be committed to living the way Jesus lived. Amen.