Father God of creation, who is like unto You. You see the end from the beginning. There is nothing hid from You. The earth is Yours, the fish of the sea and the birds of the air – all living creatures were made by You.You set the sun it its course in the sky and command the ocean’s waves. Who is like unto You? O Great Jehovah, You are Almighty and there is none like You.

In all Your greatness You are kind and merciful. Your Word says You will show mercy to whom You will show mercy. Thank You for Your promise. Father, Lord, I ask for mercy for Your church, mercy for the unbelieving, mercy for the backslider, and mercy for the unrepentant, in the name of Jesus.

Father, I pray You have mercy on the unborn and compassion on pregnant women and girls, wherever they are. As a mother hen covers her chicks, I pray You draw the little children to You and bless them with eternal heavenly blessings, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, Lord, of all flesh, where bushfires are raging out of control, have mercy. Where floods are washing away homes, have mercy. In the lands where earthquakes eat and swallow whole, have mercy.

Father, Great and Almighty God, I ask for Your mercy as we are all Your children. Glory and Hallelujahs! to Your name. Hallelujah! Amen.