Father in heaven, hallowed be thy Holy name, in the name of Jesus Christ I make my request that You have mercy on the souls of Your people. Father, have mercy in terms of sickness, mercy in breaking the chains of bondage; in Your mercy turn the hearts of Your people back to You. In Your mercy forgive, open our eyes and make us one. Father, mercifully gather our children, free them from the trappings of this broken world and in Your mercy use them for Your glory. Father, in Your mercy, send righteous justice to open prison doors – set innocent people free.  Make them free to serve You, free to praise and worship You, and free to speak Your Word in Jesus’ name. Father God, help the vulnerable to escape the clutches of evil predators.  In Your mercy pour out salvation, put Your name in the mouths of those who don’t know You, and grant them mercy to seek You and pray to You. Hallelujah!

Father, be merciful to us, may Your Word be embedded in our hearts, and fill us with love and compassion to pray for all Your people. In Your mercy, anoint us again with Your Holy Spirit to push back the darkness of this world and bring light. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray and give you thanks. Amen.