May the Word of God accomplish your heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name. By the Word of God, in Jesus’ name, may every historical problem be broken from your life, and your heart and mind set free. May there be deliverance from every negative situation, from spiritual bondage, blockages and all evil schemes. May the Word of God be a lamp to your feet, a light on your path, and strength to your bones.

Almighty God, this morning we thank You for the gift of Your holy magnified Word of Spirit and life, healing and deliverance, counsel and guidance. Thank You, Lord, that Your Word is valid. It is powerful. It never changes. It will not return void it shall accomplish whatever You send it to do for Your glory. Father, take us and use us according to Your Word, for Your glory, to love and serve You in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Your holy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, our Saviour and King. Thank You, O God, You are our God. Amen.