Holy God, righteous God, and everlasting Father, hallowed be thy name, kings of kings and Lord of Lords, the God in whom we live, and move, and have our being. Thank You Lord Jesus for access to an abundance of grace, as in this grace, O Lord, we stand and rejoice in hope in this present time in Christ our soon coming king. Because of Your grace we can Stand in tribulation, Stand In sickness, Stand in persecution. Thank You merciful God, You are excellent, gracious, mighty is Your name to save, Hallelujah! 

You are a redeemer, a very present help in time of trouble, my comfort, my rod and staff, You are maker and creator of all things, a way maker, a healer, a miracle worker, and praise is due to Your name, glory Hallelujah! Blessed be the name of the most High God of heaven, who can compare? Who is like unto our God? He is worthy, worthy, lovely, awesome, incredible, immovable, unshakable; words are not enough to describe Him. My God is the fairest of ten thousand, He is the Lilly of the valley, the brightest morning star. Praise His holy matchless, sovereign name. Praise Him in the morning, praise Him all day long, just praise Him, glory, glory, Hallelujah! praise Him! Our God is an awesome God. If I had a thousand tongues I could praise Him with everyone, but with this one I will praise Him all day long. In Jesus’ name Amen.