Blessed be the God of my salvation who has power to save by His name alone.
Blessed be my God who daily loads me up with benefits to sustain and maintain me.
Blessed be my God who is a lamp and a light to me in every dark place, in the valley of the shadow of death.
Blessed be my God who’s Word washes me, cleanses me, heals and delivers me from every destruction.
Blessed be my God who is my peace, my defence, my strong tower, my refuge and my hiding place.
Blessed be my God who delivers me from evil, fights my battles for me and gives me the victory.
Blessed be God my Father, the one to whom all my adoration, words of praise and worship belongs.
Blessed be the Holy name of my God from everlasting to everlasting the name above all names.
Blessed be the God who is my way maker, a strong hand, the one who has all my affection.
Blessed be my God who rebukes the enemy the accuser of the souls of the saints, the God who never fails. 
Blessed be my God who spoils principalities, spoils the enemy’s plans, and pushes back the darkness.
Blessed be my God, merciful, forgiving, kind, abundant in love, slow to anger, full of grace, Hallelujah!
Blessed be my God who has plans for us, who ask us to seek him and find Him and pray to him with our whole hearts, in Jesus’ name Amen.