Our small sacrifice is all that Jesus requires, (John 6:9). There were 5,000 people who needed something from the Lord, we all do, when Jesus saw them He asked how they would be fed. These people had come to see Him not just for food but for healing and to hear Him speak. Yes, it is true He can supply all our needs according to his riches in glory. Some of these people did not have a loaf to their name, but Jesus is the bread of life, and the bread of heaven. In the presence of Jesus the sick would be healed, He has never failed, no not once. No amount of money just then could help but Jesus knew what to do, He always does. One disciple told Jesus that there was a boy there with his lunch of five loaves and two fish but was that enough to feed five thousand people? Our small sacrifice is all that Jesus requires, if we give it, Jesus can use it. In the hands of our Saviour it was enough to feed all the people and they were satisfied. Let me put this differently, our little in Jesus’ hands is much. Remember the widow of Zarephath and the little oil that she had, (1 Kings 17:12), and the rod in Moses hand what God did? (Exo 4). 

Here is my encouragement, Give it to Jesus, all of it, put it all in His hand He knows what to do. You will find the return will fill your life, basket, and you’re shopping trolley. Hallelujah! 

Father, Your name is Great and greatly to be praised. Father, in Jesus’ name we bring it all to You, we lay it out before You, and we ask that in Your mercy You would exchange our burdens for Your burden and our will for Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.