Arise, Father, I pray in Jesus’ name and let not Your people be scattered by their enemies, (Psa) 68:1, 132:8). Father, there are so many reasons in this time why people become disheartened,  and discouraged. Many people  turn their backs on You because of their circumstances,  difficulties,  sickness, pain and  hopelessness. People struggle to make ends meet, feel they’re  lacking and in need of  necessities, and in some cases  desperation has taken hold of Your people.

Nevertheless, it is plain to see but many have not realised that  You are the solution to all of life’s struggles: sickness, heartbreak, loss, discrimination, hate, all these trials the world brings to us and it seems there is no comfort, no rest, no ease from heartache, there is still so much suffering. But what if we look at what You say in Your Word, “I will not leave you  comfortless” (Joh 14:18) “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy  laden and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28) “Let not your heart be troubled” (Joh 14:27).

Father, I  pray in Jesus’ name for a return to You and a looking into Your Word for it sanctifies. You are not a man that You should lie. Father, I pray for the church, my brethren those who are not well, that the joy of good health might reach them from Your throne. I pray, Father, hear our cries in Jesus’ name. Help us to shine the truth, the light of Your Word in this dark world that Your Word may be a signpost that leads us all to You, from all walks of life, in Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.