Genesis 15:7-8
Father in heaven, glory and honour, praise and power be unto Your great name, Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord, for the promise left of us entering into Your rest. Father, You promised the land to Abram and he asked whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? Father, You answered Abram and gave him understanding, of things that must come to pass. Father, in the name of Jesus’ I pray that You would grant us wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Your will. Help us to understand that we will experience trials, through which we shall be built up, strengthened, established and victorious over every adversary, in Jesus’ name. Father, reward us during our trials and judge our adversaries according to Your word. Father, thank You that no trials nor passage of time can make Your promises of no effect for You are not a man that You should lie. Father, thank You that Your covenant binds You and You alone to Your promises. Father, I thank You for this wonderful blessing, in Jesus’ name. Amen.