Father, God of all, I come humbly to Your throne, in Jesus’ name, for all Christian church leaders, pastors, preachers, teachers, worship warriors, prayer intercessors, deacons, elders, and bishops that they do their part according to the Word of God and be accountable. I pray for the Christian congregation of the righteous to exalt the name of the Lord wherever we are. Let the congregation of the righteous pray for all those whom God has set in place. In the name of Jesus, I pray for their good health and wellbeing, their business,  employment, service to the church and community, and development of spiritual gifts that the church might prosper in Christ Jesus. Let all be one in unity, in Spirit, and in peace (Eph 4:3) through God, who is Father of us all (Eph 4:6). In Jesus’ name. Amen.