Church, let us pray for those who have walked away from God, who have turned their attention and desires to the things of this world, taking up behaviours that are against God’s law.

People who had confessed their faith in Christ, have now turned their backs on God. They sang songs of worship and testified of God’s goodness and His mercies. Now they seek satisfaction from a world that can never fulfil their hearts’ need for God. They were duped and led astray by seducing spirits. Let us pray for their return to the Lord. 

In Hosea 14 the prophet spoke to the children of Israel who had backslidden, saying “O Israel, come back to the Lord your God; for your evil-doing has been the cause of your fall” (Hos 14:1 BBE). In verses 2-3 they are instructed thus “take with you words, and come back to the Lord.” They are to ask for forgiveness for all their wrongdoings, offer the fruit of their lips, confess that they will no longer worship idols – the works of their hands, and confess that God is merciful. Now hear what the Lord says, “I will put right their errors; freely will my love be given to them, for my wrath is turned away from him” (Hos 14:4).

By the Spirit of God, let us activate the words of the prophet for everyone who is backslidden, whether they are known to us or not, pray that they will come back to the Lord. In the name of Jesus. Amen.