Matt 11:2-3

John was in prison when he heard of the good works that Jesus had done, he wanted to know if the time of the scripture was fulfilled, so he sent his disciples to enquire who was doing the works. Are you the one? they enquired. Jesus did not respond how they may have expected, He did not leave any possibility that John may ask any further questions. He pointed to the works that had been done. Go and tell John what you have seen and heard, the blind receive sight, the lame are able to walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf can hear, the dead are raised to life and the good news is preached to the poor. Jesus confirmed His identity by pointing to His works. Not to His Kingship, Lordship, Deity, not the fact that He is the son of God, no, and not that He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus did not say He is Emmanuel, Jesus pointed to the things He came to accomplish. He came to work the works of Him that sent Him. Jesus did not come to talk up Himself, to brag or boast.

Today I pray that like Jesus our works will speak of us showing fellowship with our Lord, and with one another. I pray that our fruit will be our identifier and that they will, in Jesus’ name remain. I pray the multiplying blessings of the Lord over your works, in Jesus’ name. Amen.